Dr. Lia Maka Member (1 September 2022- 31 August 2025)
Dr. Lia Maka has been appointed as a member of Electricity Commission with effect from 1 September 2022 to 31 August 2025. Dr Maka holds a Doctor of Philosophy in Language Education (1996) and a Master in Education (1993) – both from the University of Nottingham, England. Dr Maka also holds a Bachelor of Arts in History and Politics (1984) from Macquarie University, Australia.
Dr Lia Maka’s career in the public service began in 1984 when she was appointed as an Assistant Teacher Graduate in the then Ministry of Education, followed by senior positions in the Ministry, including Senior Education Officer, Acting Chief Education Officer, Acting Deputy Principal and Principal for Tonga High School until December 1999.
Dr Maka joined the University of the South Pacific as a Lecturer in 2000 and later a Part time Lecturer, Editor and development consultant from 2003 to 2004.
In November 2004 to March 2015, Dr Maka was employed by the Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC, Fiji) as the Head of a Community Development Programme and as Senior Technical Adviser to the Division of Education, Training and Human Development of the SPC
Dr Maka was appointed as the Chief Executive Officer for the Office of the Public Service Commission on 01 March, 2016 where she continued to serve until her retirement on 12, 2022
Energy Commission
Address: Kolomotu’a,
Nuku’alofa Tonga
Email :
Phone : (676) 23-426

Commission Objectives
The Electricity Commission considers it a paramount consideration than regulated Electricity Providers provide a safe, continuous and uninterrupted supply of Electric Power to Tongan consumers, and that at a price approved by the Electricity Commission. (Regulated Electricity Providers include Tonga Power Limited).