
CEO Col.(ret'd) Siamelie Latu


A professional and loyal former government civil servant with wealth of experience, having served as Ambassador Plenipotentiary and Extraordinary of the Kingdom of Tonga to the People’s Republic of China. Diligently served the government of Tonga for 40 years in the Tonga Defense Services, now called His Majesty’s Armed Forces, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. 

Address: Tu’atakilangi
                 Nuku’alofa Tonga
Email :
Phone  Direct Office Line +(676) 23021
              Mobile +(676) 7717539

The year in perspective has been another successful one for the Tonga Energy Commission (TEC) financially and operationally. The year was marked by a number of achievements and new challenges, all part of our charted journey to realize our vision, “to be recognized as a professional regulatory authority that aims to provide efficient and reliable electricity services for the quality of life and sustainability of the economy and society.”
The Commission has made all efforts to establish, maintain and perpetuate a fair, transparent and objective regulatory system in the Power Sector. Similar to the previous reports, this annual report also provides an insight into the earnest and concerted efforts made by the Commission to achieve its functions specified in the
then Electricity Act and a Contract contract agreement with TPL before enactment of the new Energy Act
2021 in 2022.
Towards the beginning of this year, there was an increased effort to engage proactively and strategically with TPL to generate dialogue and solicit views in relation to regulatory requirements and several important issues relating to power generation and distribution and power tariff review. We provided a more detailed analysis of customer billing, meter reading accuracies, regulatory audit analysis, and a review of the current conditions of diesel generators and their reliability in terms of future power distribution to customers.
We will continue to work with TPL and across Government to give confidence to industries and the wider public that we are closely watching power sector operations and taking action on behalf of consumers. If at times the process has been contentious on some issues, the outcome has always been to best serve the consumers.
The Electricity Act (Cap 14.04) was repealed by section 160a of the Energy Act when the Act came into force in 2022. The Electricity Commission thus ceased to exist since the Electricity Act has been repealed. The members of the Electricity Commission are now members of the Energy Commission by default, despite the fact that it has not been formally endorsed by Cabinet. The new Energy Act has brought additional functions to the Commission, which include, but not limited to ensuring the safety, affordability and security of supply of petroleum, gas, renewable energy and any other energy sources in the Kingdom. The new Act enables the Commission to administer and regulate renewable energy and is the best next logical step in Tongaenergy transition.
During this period, the Commission has graduated a total of 28 Certified Electrical Licensed Contractors in the country to undertake safe wiring in the country. Of the 28 Licensed Electrical contractors, one is from Vava„u and the rest are from Tongatapu.
Lastly, I would like to thank all the TEC management, staff members and employees for their determination to carry out their duties with utmost effort to support the regulation of electricity to be efficient and sustainable for optimum benefits of the people who are energy users and of the country as a whole.

Commission Objectives

The Electricity Commission considers it a paramount consideration than regulated Electricity Providers provide a safe, continuous and uninterrupted supply of Electric Power to Tongan consumers, and that at a price approved by the Electricity Commission.  (Regulated Electricity Providers include Tonga Power Limited).