• The Electricity Commission considers electrical safety to be a paramount consideration.
  •  Electricity has the potential to kill if used improperly or by unskilled labour. That is why
    electricians are licensed in Tonga by the Commission who ensure that they are
    permitted to practice as such only if have the required theoretical and practical
    knowledge of their subject and adequate hands on experience of electrical works. No
    one else is authorised to undertake electrical works.
  • At present there are 40 licensed electricians, 29 of whom have unrestricted licences
    enabling them to undertake electrical works for anyone, anywhere in the Kingdom, 3 of
    whom are employed by the Electricity Commission but are barred from engaging in
    private practice as electricians; and the remaining 8 have temporary licences to
    undertake specialist electrical works in a diplomatic mission at Nuku’alofa and at St.
    George’s Palace.
  • In the opinion of the Commission there is an ample supply of qualified electricians in
    Tonga to execute all electrical works for domestic, commercial or public sector
    customers. Accordingly there is no justification for foreign electricians been imported
    into the Kingdom to undertake electrical works unless in exceptional circumstances
    and then only if working in association with a Tongan licensed electrician.
  •  Another important aspect of Tonga’s electrical safety oversight is the Electrical Permits